
Critical Reflection

 I’m responsible for the technical part of the tech report ( ) The project called  “ EzClean mechanical broom ”  is almost completed and my teammates and I have achieved satisfying results step by step. It has been a wonderful journey to train my critical thinking skill, essay writing technique and project management skill and I benefited so much through this project and from my teammates.  In the beginning when we were tasked to come up with an idea of what topic to work on, I offered this idea of developing an mechanical broom that is made of biodegradable materials and requires no electricity to work. One of the reasons was that I realized environment related projects always have a plenty of topics to talk about so we would not have to stop and think about what to do next, especially in halfway of the project. The other reason was that I already had an origin...

Reader Response Summary Draft 3

According to the article “3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bicycle Frames”. It costs more than 600 dollars for enthusiasts to make customized bicycle frames from traditional materials such as steel, but 3D printing technology provides a choice that has more affordability, efficiency and simplicity (Androole, 2012 ).  Androole stated that building bicycle frames with the aid of 3D printing allows customizations on features and functions, such as comfort, stiffness, strength, efficiency, high strength-to-weight ratio and malleability, therefore carbon fibre is extremely suitable to make bicycle frames.   According to Androole's blog, the final product has tubes, 3D-printed joints, and outer reinforcement made of epoxy and carbon fibre. The materials of the tubes can even be bamboo as the final product will be reinforced by epoxy and carbon fibre. First, with the assistance of software like BikeCAD, alternative frame designs can be generated with detailed geometries. Taking reference...

Reader Response Summary Draft 2

  According to the article “3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bicycle Frames”. It costs more than 600 dollars for enthusiasts to make customized bicycle frames from traditional materials such as steel, but 3D printing technology provides a choice that has more affordability, efficiency and simplicity (Androole, ND, Custom 3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bike Frame,  Androole stated that building bicycle frames with the aid of 3D printing allows customizations on features and functions, such as comfort, stiffness, strength, efficiency, high strength-to-weight ratio and malleability, therefore carbon fibre is extremely suitable to make bicycle frames.   According to Androole's blog, the final product has tubes, 3D-printed joints, and outer reinforcement made of epoxy and carbon fibre. The materials of the tubes can even be bamboo as the final product will be reinforced by epoxy and carbon fibre. First, with the a...

Read Response Summary draft 1

  According to the article <<3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bicycle Frames>>. It costs more than 600 dollars for enthusiasts to make customized bicycle frames from traditional materials such as steel, but 3D printing technology provides a choice that has more affordability, efficiency and simplicity (Androole, ND, Custom 3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bike Frame, Androole stated that building bicycle frames with the aid of 3D printing allows customizations on features and functions, such as comfort, stiffness, strength, efficiency, high strength-to-weight ratio and malleability, therefore carbon fibre is extremely suitable to make bicycle frames.  According to Androole's blog, the final product has three groups of components, tubes, 3D printed joints, and outer reinforcement made of epoxy and carbon fibre. The materials of the tubes can even be bamboo as the final product will be reinforced by epoxy and c...

Thesis Statement

Thesis statement:  Every part of the bicycle should be 3D printed with different materials to have maximal customization while having desirable quality and affordability. Support 1: Lower cost leads to better affordability.  Support 2: Allows plenty of customizations. Support 3: A variety of material choices for 3D printing. Counterargument: Even though 3D printing allows people to design and build their own bicycles, some people prefer to buy finished products from manufacturers for convenience.

Summary on "3D Printed Bicycle Frames>> (draft 2)

Thesis statement: Every part of the bicycle should be 3D printed with different materials to have maximal customization while having desirable quality and affordability. According to the article <<3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bicycle Frames>>. It costs more than 600 dollars for enthusiasts to make customized bicycle frames from traditional materials such as steel, but 3D printing technology provides a choice that has more affordability, efficiency and simplicity (Androole, ND, Custom 3D Printed Carbon Fibre Bike Frame, Androole stated that building bicycle frames with the aid of 3D printing allows   customizations on features and functions , such as comfort, stiffness, strength, efficiency, high strength-to-weight ratio and malleability, therefore carbon fibre is extremely suitable to make bicycle frames.   According to Androole's blog, the final product has three groups of components, tubes, 3D ...

Summary on "3D Printed Bicycle Frames>> (draft 1)

Summary of Custom 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Bike Frame Draft 1: Thesis statement: Carbon fibre is a great material for bicycle frame It costs more than 600 dollars for enthusiasts to make customized bicycle frames from traditional materials such as steel, but 3D printing technology provides a choice that has more affordability, efficiency and simplicity.   Building bicycle frames with the aid of 3D printing allows customizations on features and functions , such as comfort, stiffness, strength, efficiency, high strength-to-weight ratio and malleability, therefore carbon fibre is extremely suitable to make bicycle frames.   The final product has three groups of components, tubes, 3D printed joints, and outer reinforcement made of epoxy and carbon fibre. The materials of the tubes can even be bamboo as the final product will be reinforced by epoxy and carbon fibre.   First, with the assistance of software like BikeCAD, alternative frame designs can be generated wi...